Dr. Gallus Joller
Attorney-at-Law | Partner
Telephone: +41 41 417 40 05
E-Mail: joller @ trollerlaw.ch
Claudia De Donno
Patrick Rey

Dr. Gallus Joller (born 1969) joined our law firm in 2001 and has been elected to partner in 2006.
He attended the Universities of St. Gall and Geneva. From 1994 until 1997, Gallus Joller was a scholar at the Institute of European Law, Business Law and Comparative Law of the University of St. Gall. Holding fellowships of the Swiss National Science Foundation and the Max Planck Society, he worked at the Max Planck Institute for Foreign and International Patent, Copyright, and Competition Law in Munich (1998 - 1999). His doctoral thesis examined the likelihood of confusion in the law of distinctive signs. In 2001, he was admitted to the bar.
His practice covers advice and litigation in all IP fields, with an emphasis on trademarks, advertising, unfair competition, designs, copyright, domain names, IT-related IP issues, and contracts/licensing. Gallus manages global trademark portfolios and counsels on filing and prosecution strategies, licensing and enforcement, including oppositions, cancellations and customs seizures.
He deals with the world wide filing and prosecution of trademarks and designs.
Gallus Joller is a member of professional associations, including the International Association for the Protection of Intellectual Property (AIPPI), the International Trademark Association (INTA), der European Communities Trademark Association (ECTA), MARQUES, the International League of Competition Law (LIDC; 2006-2017 member of the Swiss board), the Deutsche Vereinigung für Gewerblichen Rechtsschutz und Urheberrecht (GRUR), the Institut für gewerblichen Rechtsschutz (INGRES), and the Lucerne and Swiss Bar Associations.
He is the author of numerous publications on IP law and a frequent speaker on IP-related topics, notably at the congress and educational trainings of the Swiss Bar Association.
Gallus Joller speaks German and English.
Recommended in:
- WTR 1000 - The World’s Leading Trademark Professionals (Gold ranked individual for prosecution and enforcement/litigation): «Versatile operator Gallus Joller handles all briefs that come his way with ease and efficiency.» (2024); «super-smart, concise in his advice and a leader of his generation» (2022); «a veritable Swiss army knife of a practitioner: there is nothing he cannot handle, from global portfolio management to tricky Swissness questions and demanding contentious matters.» (2021); «brilliant strategic thinker», «dyed-in-the-wool enforcement specialist with a penchant for protecting non-traditional marks», «first-class choice for global portfoliomanagement» (2020); «go-to for great advice in substantial trademark disputes» (2019); «Excellent specialist trademark lawyer», «an authority on likelihood of confusion issues» (2017); «A leader of the next generation of trademark stars», «a go-to source for advice on non-traditional marks and trade dress» (2015), offers «a glittering courtroom track record and valuable counsel» (2013); «has earned much respect for his prolific success in the field», «is appreciated for “his impressive, hands-on approach”» (2011);
- Chambers Europe, Intellectual Property: «Gallus Joller is well regarded in the market», «offers experience in global trade mark portfolio management, including filing and prosecution matters», «also represents clients in unfair competition, copyright and design mandates.» (2024); «has very strong legal and analytical skills» (2022); «top-class lawyer: a true pleasure to work with» (2019); «strong expertise in trade marks», «also advises on IT matters, such as domain names, as well as advertising and license agreements» (2018); «brilliant and highly recommendable», «praised for his commercial approach and his specialist knowledge of trade mark law» (2016); «singled out for his trade mark expertise, which he handles as part of a wide-ranging IP practice» (2014); «a well-known name in this field, with a practice that encompasses all IP areas, including IT and domain-name related matters» (2012); «advises on a range of trade mark, patent and copyright matters, as well as licensing agreements» (2011); «is making a name for his skill in trade marks and domain names» (2010);
- Lexology – Who’s Who Legal, IP-Trademark Thought Leaders: «Gallus Joller is “certainly a big name” in the trademark space thanks to his experience in both global trademark portfolio management and litigation» (2024); «recognised for the breadth of his experience representing big-name clients in complex trademark disputes.» (2021); «excellent trademark attorney with enormous knowledge» (2020); «provides “excellent communication skills, clear advice and enormous knowledge”» (2019); «one of the best for trademark law», «highlighted for his “very clear and precise knowledge”. Peers commend the “very high standard” of his trademark prosecution work.» (2018); «very smart», «really good in trademarks» (2017); «a name that peers would “highly recommend” with regards to trademark work» (2016); «prominent (…) due to his outstanding litigation skills» (2014); «has a broad trademarks practice which covers international filing, prosecution trademarks and designs», «hardcore litigator and respected prosecutor» (2013);
- Best Lawyers, Intellectual Property
- Managing Intellectual Property, IP Stars
- WIPR Leaders
- WTR Global Leaders
- Verwechslungsgefahr im Kennzeichenrecht. Eine rechtsvergleichende Untersuchung der Anforderungen an die Unterscheidbarkeit von Kennzeichen im Marken-, Firmen-, Lauterkeits- und Namensrecht, Diss. St. Gallen, Schriften zum Medien- und Immaterialgüterrecht, Bern 2000 (Rezensiert von Simon, sic! 2000, 751 f.; David, SJZ 2001, 210 f.; Schneider, GRUR Int. 2001, 194 f.; von Linstow, GRUR 2000, 922; Steinbeck, MarkenR 2000, 406; Trettnak, ÖBl 2000, 192; Hennemann, MR 2001, Heft 3)
- C. Baudenbacher/G. Joller, Bundesgericht erlaubt Parallelimporte, Schweizerische Zeitschrift für Wirtschaftsrecht (SZW) 1997, 91 ff.
- Zur territorialen Reichweite des Erschöpfungsgrundsatzes im Markenrecht. Silhouette einer Zwischenbilanz, Gewerblicher Rechtsschutz und Urheberrecht, Internationaler Teil (GRUR Int.) 1998, 751 ff.
- R. Knaak/G. Joller, Die Beurteilung von Parallelimporten im schweizerischen Patent-, Urheber- und Markenrecht - drei aktuelle Grundsatzentscheidungen des Schweizerischen Bundesgerichts, Wettbewerb in Recht und Praxis (WRP) 2000, 1089 ff.
- Zur Verletzung von Markenrechten durch Domainnames - eine Standortbestimmung, Zeitschrift für deutsches, europäisches und internationales Markenrecht (MarkenR) 2000, 341 ff.
- Gemeinfreie Begriffe in Domainnamen?!, Aktuelle Juristische Praxis (AJP) 2002, 947 ff.
- National Domain Name Systems and Conflicts with Domestic Intellectual Property Rights Regimes - Switzerland (".ch"), in: Bettinger, Torsten (Ed.): Domain Name Law And Practice, An International Handbook, Oxford 2005, 741 ff.
- Beschreibend oder anspielend? - Indizien für die Zulässigkeit von Wortabwandlungen als Marken, Zeitschrift für Immaterialgüter-, Informations- und Wettbewerbsrecht (sic!), Sondernummer 125 Jahre Markenhinterlegung, Zürich 2005, 47 ff.
- G. Joller/R. Knaak, Gemeinschaftsrecht und Recht der Mitgliedstaaten - Österreich, in: Schricker, Gerhard; Bastian, Eva-Marina; Knaak, Roland (Hrsg.): Gemeinschaftsmarke und Recht der EU-Mitgliedstaaten, München 2006, 473 ff.
- Nationale Schutzsysteme - Schweiz (.ch), in: Bettinger, Torsten (Hrsg.): Handbuch des Domainrechts, Nationale Schutzsysteme und internationale Streitbeilegung, Köln/München 2008, 927 ff.
- Kommentar zu Art. 3 MSchG (relative Ausschlussgründe, notorisch bekannte Marke, Abgrenzungsvereinbarungen), in: Noth, Michael; Bühler, Gregor; Thouvenin, Florent (Hrsg.): Markenschutzgesetz (MSchG), Bern 2009, 251 ff.
- Immaterialgüterrecht, in: Fellmann, Walter; Poledna, Tomas (Hrsg.): Aktuelle Anwaltspraxis, Bern 2009, 665 ff.
- Markenlizenzvertrag, in: Münch, Peter; Böhringer, Peter; Kasper, Sabina; Probst, Franz (Hrsg.): Schweizer Vertragshandbuch, 2. Aufl., Basel 2010, 1239 ff.
- G. Joller/R. Frick, Immaterialgüterrecht, in: Furrer Andreas (Hrsg.): Aktuelle Anwaltspraxis, Bern 2011, 713 ff.
- P. Troller/G. Joller, Swiss chapter, in: Bereskin, International Trademark Dilution, Thomson Reuters, 2013 ed.; 2014 ed.; 2015 ed.; 2016 ed.; 2017 ed.
- G. Joller/R. Frick, Immaterialgüterrecht, in: Furrer Andreas (Hrsg.): Aktuelle Anwaltspraxis, Bern 2013, 861 ff.
- G. Joller/R. Frick, Immaterialgüterrecht, in: Hari, Olivier; Riske, Olivier (Hrsg.): Aktuelle Anwaltspraxis, Bern 2015, 651 ff.
- Swiss Chapter , in: Bettinger, Torsten (Ed.): Domain Name Law And Practice, An International Handbook, 2nd ed., Oxford 2015, 891 ff.
- G. Joller/R. Frick, Immaterialgüterrecht, in: Hari, Olivier (Hrsg.): Aktuelle Anwaltspraxis, Bern 2017, 339 ff.
- Nationale Schutzsysteme - Schweiz (.ch), in: Bettinger, Torsten (Hrsg.): Handbuch des Domainrechts, Nationale Schutzsysteme und internationale Streitbeilegung, 2. Aufl., Köln 2017, 917 ff.
- Kommentar zu Art. 3 MSchG (relative Ausschlussgründe, notorisch bekannte Marke, Abgrenzungsvereinbarungen), in: Noth, Michael; Bühler, Gregor; Thouvenin, Florent (Hrsg.): Markenschutzgesetz (MSchG), 2. Aufl., Bern 2017, 309 ff.
- Markenlizenzvertrag, in: Münch, Peter; Böhringer, Peter; Kasper, Sabina; Probst, Franz (Hrsg.): Schweizer Vertragshandbuch, 3. Aufl., Basel 2018, 1387 ff.
- div. Beiträge und Urteilskommentierungen in Gewerblicher Rechtsschutz und Urheberrecht, Internationaler Teil (GRUR Int.), Zeitschrift für Immaterialgüter-, Informations- und Wettbewerbsrecht (sic!), Österreichische Blätter für Gewerblichen Rechtsschutz und Urheberrecht (ÖBl.), Aktuelle Juristische Praxis (AJP), St. Galler Europarechtsbriefe (EU B) und European Law Reporter (ELR).