Bernard Volken

Avocat | Associé


Téléphone:  +41 31 328 36 36
Téléfax:  +41 31 328 36 39
E-Mail:  volken @

Adshanaa Gunaratnam
Gabriela Wyss

De 1994 à 2000, Bernard Volken a travaillé à l'Institut Fédéral de la Propriété Intellectuelle (IPI), en dernier lieu en tant que chef de la section des procédures d'opposition aux marques. Il est actif en tant qu'avocat indépendant depuis 2000, de 2000 à 2021 en tant qu'associé d’une étude spécialisée en droit de la propriété intellectuelle de la place bernoise, et depuis 2022 en tant qu'associé de Troller Hitz Troller. Bernard est spécialisé dans le droit de la propriété intellectuelle. Il gère l’enregistrement de marques et de designs dans le monde entier et, si nécessaire, fait valoir les droits y relatifs devant les tribunaux. Il est également actif dans le domaine du droit des contrats et du droit du sport.

Bernard Volken est chargé de diverses missions d'enseignement dans ses domaines d’activité, notamment à l'Université Tongji de Shanghai ainsi que pour le droit du sport à Zurich. Il est également expert auprès de l'Organisation mondiale de la propriété intellectuelle (OMPI) dans les domaines du droit des marques et des designs.

Il est membre de diverses organisations professionnelles telles que l'International Trademark Association (INTA), l'European Communities Trademark Association (ECTA), l'International Association of Trademark Owners (MARQUES), l'Institut pour la protection de la propriété industrielle (INGRES) ainsi que de l’Association des avocats bernois et de la Fédération suisse des avocats.

Bernard est l'auteur de nombreuses publications dans ses domaines d’activités. Il intervient régulièrement en tant que conférencier dans des congrès suisses et internationaux. Ses langues de travail sont l’allemand, l’anglais et le français.



Trademark Lawyer of the Year 2024 in Switzerland (Global 100)

IP Lawyer of the year in Switzerland 2024 (

Trademark Lawyer of the Year 2024 in Switzerland (M&A Today Global Awards)IP Lawyer of the Year in Switzerland 2024 (Corporate INTL Global Awards Winner)

Trademark Lawyer of the Year 2024 in Switzerland (legal 100)

Trademark Lawyer of the Year 2023 in Switzerland (legal 100)

Trademark Law Expert of the Year 2023 in Switzerland ( )

Rated in Legal500 of the year 2023 (

IP Lawyer of the year in Switzerland 2023 (

IP Lawyer of the Year 2023, Switzerland (The Lawyer Network)

IP Lawyer of the Year 2022, Switzerland (The Lawyer Network)

IP Lawyer of the year in Switzerland 2022 (

IP Lawyer of the Year in Switzerland 2022 (Corporate INTL Global Awards Winner)

IP Lawyer of the Year 2021 (Global 100)

Trademark Lawyer of the year in Switzerland 2021 (

IP Lawyer of the Year in Switzerland 2021 (Corporate INTL Global Awards Winner)

Who’s Who Legal, Lawyer of the year 2019 für die Schweiz in der Kategorie Markenrecht

Gewinner des «ILO ( Client Choice Award 2014» für die Schweiz in der Kategorie Immaterialgüterrecht.

Gewinner des «ILO ( Client Choice Award 2011» für die Schweiz in der Kategorie Immaterialgüterrecht.



WTR 1000 2024: The firm struck gold with the arrival of Bernard Volken. He is a superb all-rounder who resolves tough issues.

WTR 1000 2023: The firm struck gold when it enticed Bernard Volken over from FMP Fuhrer Marbach & Partners at the start of 2022. He is a superb all-rounder who resolves tough issues.

WTR 1000 2022: The immensely qualified all-rounder is outstanding, hands-on and efficient. He understands IP like no one else on the market and is one of the best to find pragmatic solutions in tough cases.

WTR 1000 2021: A versatile operator, Bernard supports clients in many impactful ways. His prosecution abilities and expansive network amaze both clients and peers, while his hand-on and strategic approach to litigation guarantees crisp results.

WTR 1000 2021: Bernard deftly traverses the contentious/non-contentious divide: Amazing at prosecution and an outstanding and hands-on lawyer, he is great at finding solutions and gets the deal done. To top it off, he is well-connected and super-friendly too.

Who's Who Legal 2021: The excellent Bernard Volken is well known for his great strategic skills and top-notch work on trademark and design filings and IP enforcement proceedings.

Who's Who Legal 2020: Bernard Volken is lauded as a top attorney and very experienced, with a wealth of knowledge in the prosecution and enforcement of trademarks.

WTR 1000 2020: He handles more dossiers than any other practitioner. Fun to work with, he finds solutions quickly and really gets into the nitty gritty of the issues at hand.

Who's Who Legal 2019, Global Guide: Bernard is well respected internationally as an invaluable resource in trademark infringement and protection matters.

Who's Who Legal 2019: Bernard is one of the best lawyers in Switzerland.

Chambers & Partners 2019: Bernard is admired for his skill in IP-related litigation. He offers experience in a range of IP matters, receiving particular praise for his work on trademarks and unfair competition.

WTR 1000 2019: He is a go-to lawyer and outstanding hands-on practitioner. He is highly experienced in both prosecution and enforcement. He considers matters strategically before providing efficient, timely and to-the-point solutions.

Who’s Who Legal 2017, 2018, 2019 and 2020: Ranked as most highly regarded Attorney-at-law in Switzerland in the field of Trademarks.

Who’s Who Legal 2018: Top of the line when it comes to trademarks, impresses with his pragmatic and precise communication, responsive and creative counsel.

WTR 1000 2017: He is a terrific, pragmatic and solutions-oriented all-rounder, although he is perhaps best known for his contentious prowess. He is brilliant on the courtroom floor. He is persuasive and extremely good at client handling – quite extraordinary.

Chambers Europe 2016: He is a solution-oriented and skilful lawyer.

WTR 1000 2015: A terribly bright litigator with incredible experience in prosecution also.

Who’s Who Legal 2014: Bernard is an expert on all aspects of trademark law, approachable, flexible and efficient.

Chambers Europe 2015: He is to the point and an excellent adviser with a very pragmatic and business-oriented approach.

Client Choice International 2014: He has been praised as outstanding in terms of professionalism.



“Führt die Rechtsprechung zum Urheberrecht zu einer Aushöhlung des Designrechts?», mit RAin Stephanie Stampfli, in Schweizerische Juristen-Zeitung SJZ 20/2023, S. 1020-1026

“Ohne Marke kein Spitzensport”, Anwaltsrevue/Revue de l’avocat, Nr. 9/2022, 23. September 2022, S. 366

“Enforcement of Intellectual Property Rights in Switzerland”, in, 2022

“Requirements for design protection: global commonalities”, in Research Handbook on Design Law 2021.

„Markenrechtsverletzungen; die Abmahnung“, in «Schweizer IP Handbuch», Helbing Lichtenhahn Verlag, 2. Auflage, 2021

Kommentar Patentgesetz (PatG), Kommentierung Art. 46a (Weiterbehandlung) und Art. 47 (Wiedereinsetzung in den früheren Stand), Stämpfli Verlag 2019

„Immaterialgüterrechte - Geistiges Eigentum“, in „Management-Vademecum, viscom-Jubiläumsbuch, 2019, S. 152 ff.

„Der rechtliche Schutz von Verpackungen“, in „alimenta“, Fachzeitschrift für die Lebensmittelwirtschaft, Ausgabe vom 31.05.2017, S. 16 ff.

Basler Kommentar zum Markenschutz- und Wappenschutzgesetz, Kommentierung der Artikel 10-12, 31-34 MSchG, Vorbem. zu Art. 70-72h MSchG, Art. 70-72h MSchG, Helbling Lichtenhahn Verlag, 2017

„Anmelde- und Durchsetzungsstrategien im Designrecht“, Weblaw Juni 2016

«Die Markenrechtsverletzung», in «Schweizer IP Handbuch», Helbing Lichtenhahn Verlag, 2013

Besprechung des Urteils des Oberlandgerichtshofes München vom 14. Mai 2009 «Designschutz Geländewagen», in «Designschutz in Europa», Band 4, Carl Heymanns Verlag 2012

«Marke und Tourismus. Widerspruch oder Schlüssel zum Erfolg?», in «Gedanken zum Schutz von geographischen Zeichen», Festschrift für J. David Meisser, Stämpfli Verlag 2012

 «Der rechtliche Schutz von Domainnamen», in «Marketingerfolg im Internet», Orell Füssli Verlag, 2003

1997 - 2018 Redaktor der Zeitschrift für Immaterialgüter-, Informations- und Wettbewerbsrecht sic!

Patentrecht – Wiedereinsetzung in den früheren Stand

(Art. 47 Pat6); Wegfall des Hindernisses: AJP 9/96, S. 1166 ff

Zahlreiche Beiträge wie Buchbesprechungen und Urteilszusammenfassungen